Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Simple Truth

So here it is...I have gone from one extreme with eating to the other. Now I think I am ready to settle in the middle.

I started obsessing over food- fat grams- many, many years ago. Through that I became bulimic and borderline anorexic. Once my family helped me to realize what harm I was doing to my body, I started to eat again, and this time I was working out to balance it out. Well, once school started, the eating continued but the exercise wore off. In fact, I became addicted to fast food again (as ashamed as I am to admit that). I went to the Dr. in January weighing 108 and went back in May weighing in at 115. 7 pounds in 4 months. I know it is because I turned to fast food and unhealthy snacks and turned away from exercise.

Well, I have really struggled with this these past few weeks since my doctor's visit. I am not overweight, but I would like to just get back on a healthy diet. Now, THIS TIME it does not just mean to cut out fats as it did before. THIS TIME healthy is learning to overlook the 14 g of fat in Olive Oil and learn to use it in moderation with other HEALTHY and NUTRITIOUS substitutes.

I am still going to tweak every single recipe that I possibly can, but with nutrients and not fat-free ingredients, or as I now like to call them "chemical shit storms" thanks to the wonderfully fabulous and amazingly hilarious book my mom bought for me, Skinny Bitch.

I may be kinda slow at getting things up, but I want to share my HEALTHY recipes with all of you! I'll teach you my tricks and hopefully you'll share any you have with me as well.

I'm going to take over food FOR REAL this time!